
The auditlog table contains all audit events captured for user interactions with HIEBus™ applications.

Source Concepts

  • auditlogentries
  • auditevent

Table Schema

Name Type Description
systemuserid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier representing a unique HIEBus user.

eventmessage VARCHAR

Description of the audit event.

eventtimestamp TIMESTAMP

The data and time of the audit event

patientid VARCHAR(38) GUID

HIEBus patient_id associated with the event. Will be null for non-patient events such as login.

propertyxml VARCHAR

XML string stored in HIEBus with properties that are applicable to the audit event.

sessionid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier to tie together audit events within the same login session.

beaconreport VARCHAR

If the audit event is related to viewing a Beacon report, the name of the Beacon report.

galileodataset VARCHAR

If the audit event is related to viewing a Galileo report, the data set associated with the Galileo report.

galileoreport VARCHAR

If the audit event is related to viewing a Galileo report, the name of the Galileo report.

webclientscreenname VARCHAR

If the audit event is related to viewing a web client screen, the name of the web client screen.

webclienttotalpageduration DECIMAL

Time (in seconds) required to load the page associated associated with the audit event.

webclienturl VARCHAR

If the audit event is related to to viewing a web client screen, the url of the web client screen.

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