
The datasource_summary table summarizes the number of unique individuals, encounters, claims, lab results, diagnoses, and procedures received from data sources that are integrated into the HIEBus™ data platform.

Each datasource will have a row for each month for which data is available that summarizes the data volumes for that month to support trends.

Source Concepts

  • claims
  • claimproblems
  • claimprocedures
  • claimservices
  • encounters
  • labobservations
  • patients
  • problems
  • procedures
  • recordauthorities
  • recordgroups
  • recordgroupmembers
  • tenants

Table Schema

Name Type Description
deployment VARCHAR

The name of the originating HIEBus deployment. In some data marts, the datasource table may be consolidated across deployments for analysis.

tenant VARCHAR

The name of the originating HIEBus tenant.

datasource VARCHAR

The name of the data source. This is the name of the HIEBus record authority of the related patient record.

startdate TIMESTAMP

The start date of the period for which instances are counted. Typically the first day of a month.

interval VARCHAR

Values: “monthly” indicates a one month period beginning on start date; “all” indicates the full date range for which data is available from this data source.

datetype VARCHAR

Values: “service” indicates data concepts are counted within this date range using a date of service, admit date, or observation date; “transaction” indicates data concepts are counted within this date range using the date processed by HIEBus (inserteddate).

persons INTEGER

Count of unique individuals (HIEBus recordgroups) for which data has been sent from the data source within the specified period.

claims INTEGER

Count of claims received from the data source within the specified period.

encounters INTEGER

Count of encounters received from the data source within the specified period.

labobservations INTEGER

Count of lab results (HIEBus labobservations) received from the data source within the specified period.

diagnoses INTEGER

Count of diagnoses (HIEBus problems and claimproblems) received from the data source within the specified period.

procedures INTEGER

Count of procedures (HIEBus procedures, claimprocedures, and claimservices) received from the data source within the specified period.

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