
The encountercaregiverrelationships table manages all caregivers that are associated with the specified encounter.

Table Schema

Name Type Description

Surrogate key. Primary key for the encountercaregiverrelationships table.

startdate VARCHAR

The date the relationship started.

enddate VARCHAR

The date the relationship ended.

caregiver_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to caregivers.id

relationshiptypeterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

encounter_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to encounters.id

inserteddate TIMESTAMP

Timestamp (UTC) indicating the date the row was first inserted into HIEBus.

insertedbyapplication_id SMALLINT

The application that first inserted the row into HIEBus. Foreign key reference to applications.id.

insertedbyuser_id VARCHAR

The user associated with the process that first inserted the row into HIEBus. Foreign key reference to users.id.

modifieddate TIMESTAMP

Timestamp (UTC) indicating the date the row was last modified.

modifiedbyapplication_id SMALLINT

The application that last modified the row. Foreign key reference to applications.id.

modifiedbyuser_id VARCHAR

The user associated with the process that last modified the row. Foreign key reference to users.id.

datasource_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to datasources.id. The external data source from which the data in this row originated.

tenant_id SMALLINT

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to tenants.id

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