
The locations table manages unique places in which an encounter can occur. Locations can be facilities, hospital units, rooms, or beds. Locations are related to encounters using the encounterlocations table.

Table Schema

Name Type Description

Surrogate key. Primary key for the locations table.


A unique code that describes the location.

description VARCHAR

A description of the location.

longdescription VARCHAR

A secondary description of the location; usually a longer text string.

typeterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

site_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to sites.id

inserteddate TIMESTAMP

Timestamp (UTC) indicating the date the row was first inserted into HIEBus.

insertedbyapplication_id SMALLINT

The application that first inserted the row into HIEBus. Foreign key reference to applications.id.

insertedbyuser_id VARCHAR

The user associated with the process that first inserted the row into HIEBus. Foreign key reference to users.id.

modifieddate TIMESTAMP

Timestamp (UTC) indicating the date the row was last modified.

modifiedbyapplication_id SMALLINT

The application that last modified the row. Foreign key reference to applications.id.

modifiedbyuser_id VARCHAR

The user associated with the process that last modified the row. Foreign key reference to users.id.

tenant_id SMALLINT

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to tenants.id

street1 VARCHAR

If applicable, the address that describes the location.

street2 VARCHAR

If applicable, the address that describes the location.

street3 VARCHAR

If applicable, the address that describes the location.


If applicable, the address that describes the location.


If applicable, the address that describes the location.

postalcode VARCHAR

If applicable, the address that describes the location.

county VARCHAR

If applicable, the address that describes the location.

country VARCHAR

If applicable, the address that describes the location.

phonenumber VARCHAR

If applicable, a phone number for the location.


If applicable, an email for the location.

websiteurl VARCHAR

If applicable, a website that describes the location.

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