
The observations table manages clinical observations about a patient such as BP, heart rate, weight, etc. In addition, the observations table can serve as a generalized structure to manage any concept related to a patient that requires storing a value (in the value column), date information related to the value (in the observationdate column), and the concept to which the value pertains (in the typeterm_id column).

Table Schema

Name Type Description

Surrogate key. Primary key for the observations table.

observationdate VARCHAR

The date on which the observation was observed.


The value of the observation.

comment VARCHAR

A human-readable text field to provide additional information related to the observation.

longvalue VARCHAR

If the value of the observation exceeds the size of the value column, the full value is stored in the longvalue column.

typetermtext VARCHAR

An uncoded, human-readable text field that describes the concept to which this observation pertains.

observationorder INTEGER

If applicable, an ordinal value associated with this observation. This value orders this observation within an observationcontext or under a parent observation in a hiearchy of observations.

valuetypeterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

typeterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id. A term that describes the concept to which this observation pertains.

valueterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

unitsterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

observationcontext_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to observationcontexts.id

patient_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to patients.id

parentobservation_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to observations.id

inserteddate TIMESTAMP

Timestamp (UTC) indicating the date the row was first inserted into HIEBus.

insertedbyapplication_id SMALLINT

The application that first inserted the row into HIEBus. Foreign key reference to applications.id.

insertedbyuser_id VARCHAR

The user associated with the process that first inserted the row into HIEBus. Foreign key reference to users.id.

modifieddate TIMESTAMP

Timestamp (UTC) indicating the date the row was last modified.

modifiedbyapplication_id SMALLINT

The application that last modified the row. Foreign key reference to applications.id.

modifiedbyuser_id VARCHAR

The user associated with the process that last modified the row. Foreign key reference to users.id.

valuetermalternateterms VARCHAR

An xml representation of additional terms that were sent by the source system to describe the observation value.

typetermalternateterms VARCHAR

An xml representation of additional terms that were sent by the source system to describe the concept expressed by the observation.

normalrange VARCHAR

A text representation of the normal range expected for the value for this concept.

acuitytext VARCHAR

An uncoded, human-readable text field that describes the acuity of this observation.

acuityalternateterms VARCHAR

An xml representation of additional terms that were sent by the source system to describe the acuity of the observation.

acuityterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

valuecaregiver_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to caregivers.id

tenant_id SMALLINT

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to tenants.id

observationresultstatusterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

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