
The orders table manages orders written by a provider to specify treatments that should be provided to the related patient.

Table Schema

Name Type Description

Surrogate key. Primary key for the orders table.

placerordernumber VARCHAR

The placer order number provided by the source information system to identify this order.

fillerordernumber VARCHAR

The filler order number provided by the source information system to identify this order.

placergroupnumber VARCHAR

The placer group number provided by the source information system to identify this order.

ordertext VARCHAR

An uncoded, human-readable text field that describes what is being ordered.


T/F. T if the ordered item should be provided on an as-needed basis.

startdate VARCHAR

If applicable, the start date of the period to which this order applies.

stopdate VARCHAR

If applicable, the end date of the period to which this order applies.

orderdate VARCHAR

The date on which the order was created.

comment VARCHAR

A human-readable text field with additional information about the order.

mindose NUMERIC

For medication-related orders, the minimum dose ordered.

maxdose NUMERIC

For medication-related orders, the maximum dose ordered.

strength VARCHAR

For medication-related orders, the strength ordered.

refills INTEGER

The number of refills allowed by this order.

quantity VARCHAR

The quantify of items specified by this order.

patient_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to patients.id

encounter_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to encounters.id

priorityterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

orderingcaregiver_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to caregivers.id

enteringcaregiver_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to caregivers.id

orderstatusterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

frequencyterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

stopreasonterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

doseunitsterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

routeterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

strengthunitsterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

specimensourceterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

placerassigningauthority_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to placerassigningauthoritys.id

fillerassigningauthority_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to fillerassigningauthoritys.id

placergroupassigningauthority_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to placergroupassigningauthoritys.id

reconcilestatusterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

inserteddate TIMESTAMP

Timestamp (UTC) indicating the date the row was first inserted into HIEBus.

insertedbyapplication_id SMALLINT

The application that first inserted the row into HIEBus. Foreign key reference to applications.id.

insertedbyuser_id VARCHAR

The user associated with the process that first inserted the row into HIEBus. Foreign key reference to users.id.

modifieddate TIMESTAMP

Timestamp (UTC) indicating the date the row was last modified.

modifiedbyapplication_id SMALLINT

The application that last modified the row. Foreign key reference to applications.id.

modifiedbyuser_id VARCHAR

The user associated with the process that last modified the row. Foreign key reference to users.id.

itemterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id. The item that is ordered by this order.

departmentterm_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id

itemalternateterms VARCHAR

An xml representation of additional terms that were sent by the source system to describe the item ordered.

itemtext VARCHAR

An uncoded, human-readable text field to describe the item ordered.

datasource_id VARCHAR

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to datasources.id. The external data source from which the data in this row originated.

tenant_id SMALLINT

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to tenants.id

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