
The termmap view manages links between a term provided by a data source (“source term”) and one or more terms provided by a standards body or code system authority (“reference term”).

Table Schema

Name Type Description
term_id INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id. May represent a source term or a reference term.


The unique code (within the code system) that specifies the term (equivalent to terms.code).

display VARCHAR

A description of the term (equivalent to terms.name).

domain VARCHAR

A category that describes the clinical concepts to which this term applies.

codesystem VARCHAR

The unique code that describes the code system to which the term belongs (equivalent to termnamespaces.code).

codesystemdisplay VARCHAR

A name that describes the code system to which the term belongs (equivalent to termnamespaces.name).

mappedtermid INTEGER

Surrogate key. Foreign key reference to terms.id. Represent the reference term (provided by a standards body or code system authority) to which the term_id is mapped. If the term_id is not mapped to any terms, there will be one row for the term_id in this table and the mapped* columns will all be NULL. IF the term_id is mapped to exactly one term, there will be one row for the term_id in this table and the mapped* columns will describe the one term mapping. If the term_id is mapped to more than one term, there will be one row for the term_id in this table for each mapping.

mappedcode VARCHAR

The unique code (within the code system) that specifies the mapped term (equivalent to terms.code).

mappeddisplay VARCHAR

A description of the mapped term (equivalent to terms.name).

mappeddomain VARCHAR

A category that describes the clinical concepts to which the mapped term applies.

mappedcodesystem VARCHAR

The unique code that describes the code system to which the mapped term belongs (equivalent to termnamespaces.code).

mappedcodesystemdisplay VARCHAR

A name that describes the code system to which the mapped term belongs (equivalent to termnamespaces.name).

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