
The crucialevent table contains a row for an instance of an event (described by crucialevent.eventtype) such as a hospitalization, ED visit, beginning of care management, or a specified service/procedure. By normalizing events into this structure, features that describe the event can be computed relative to the event date. Using this structure, events can be readily compared and summarized to determine relationships and patterns with observations that occur before and after the event.


Filter crucialevent by crucialevent.eventtype in order to limit an analysis to a particular event definition. The crucialevent table can be join to derivedpatient; however, note that the columns in the derivedpatient table generally describe the current state of the patient, not the patient at the time of the event.

Core crucialevent definitions (represented as crucialevent.eventtype) include:

  • All hospitalization admissions
  • Emergent hospitalizations
  • ACSC hospitalization
  • ACO 8 Readmission
  • All ED
  • Avoidable ED
  • CM initiated
  • MRSA
  • ACO 38 MCC admissions
  • ACO 43 ACSC discharge

Source Concepts

  • claim
  • encounter

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR (GUID)

Unique identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.

admissionenddate TIMESTAMP
avoidabledx VARCHAR
billclassprior VARCHAR
convertedtoinperson BOOLEAN
cost_admission DECIMAL
cost_admitday DECIMAL
cost_ambulance DECIMAL
cost_edafter DECIMAL
cost_homehealth_after DECIMAL
cost_inperson_after DECIMAL
cost_longterm_after DECIMAL
cost_longterm_before DECIMAL
cost_midterm_after DECIMAL
cost_midterm_before DECIMAL
cost_shortterm_after DECIMAL
cost_shortterm_before DECIMAL
snf_after INTEGER
dayssinceoffice INTEGER
dayssincepcp INTEGER
dayssincepractice INTEGER
daystonextpcp INTEGER
diagnosiscode VARCHAR
drg_discharge VARCHAR
duration INTEGER
ed_longterm_after INTEGER
ed_longterm_before INTEGER
ed_midterm_after INTEGER
ed_midterm_before INTEGER
ed_shortterm_after INTEGER
ed_shortterm_before INTEGER
eventclass VARCHAR
eventdate TIMESTAMP
eventtype VARCHAR
facilityname_after VARCHAR
facilityname_prior VARCHAR
source_claimid VARCHAR
source_encounterid VARCHAR
primaryprovider VARCHAR
utilizationtags VARCHAR

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