
The derivedencounter_officevisit table reconciles all encounter and claim data sources into a unified list of outpatient visits for a person with a 92xxx procedure or service.

See also:

  • Galileo Encounter Reconciliation for a description of the algorithm used to derive encounters from claims, encounters, and authorizations based on primarycaresetting.

Source Concepts

  • claim
  • encounter

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.


Unique identifier assigned by the algorithm for the derived encounter.

visitdate TIMESTAMP

The date of office visit.

primarydx VARCHAR

The description of the primary diagnosis of the derived encounter.

primarydxcode VARCHAR

The code of the primary diagnosis of the derived encounter.

primarydxccs VARCHAR

The HCUP CCSR category name related to the primary diagnosis of the derived encounter.

primarydxtermid INTEGER

The termid of the primary diagnosis of the derived encounter. This is a reference to a HIEBus term that captures the coded diagnosis sent by the source system. This reference can be used to join to the Terminology Model to determine source details, mappings, and value sets.

primaryprovideridentifier VARCHAR

The identifier of the provider selected by the algorithm as the primary provider.

primaryprovider VARCHAR

The name of the provider selected by the algorithm as the primary provider. This is an institutional provider, commonly the name of a hospital or health system.

primaryclaimid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Reference to the source claim. NULL if a related claim is not available.

primaryencounterid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Reference to the source encounter. NULL if a related encounter is not available.

primaryclaimdatasource VARCHAR

Datasource of the source claim. NULL if a related claim is not available.

primaryencounterdatasource VARCHAR

Datasource of the source encounter. NULL if a related encounter is not available.

claimstatus VARCHAR

Denormalized claim.status from the primary claim (if applicable).

annotations VARCHAR

A comma delimited set of strings that represent computed features of the derived encounter.

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