
The derivedperson table extends the person table to provide additional computed or reconciled properties that are 1:1 with a person. The intent of this table is to provide a simple, denormalized structure that represents features of a person that are commonly useful in analysis.

The columns in this table are commonly extracted from other tables. They may be available from multiple data sources or may have multiple values over time. An algorithm reconciles data that may be available from multiple sources and selects the most recent values.

This table has one row per HIEBus person (recordgroup).


The columns of the derivedperson table generally represent the most recent property value for a given column, as determined from a preferred data source or prioritization algorithm. Use the utilizationperiod table for historical values of common concepts that change over time (i.e. “isactive”, “primaryinsuranceplan”).

Source Concepts

  • claim
  • encounter

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR (GUID)

Unique identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.

primaryinsuranceplan VARCHAR

The name of the primary insurance plan, as determined from a preferred data source.

primaryinsuranceplanstartdate TIMESTAMP

The date the primary insurance plan became active.

primaryinsuranceplanenddate TIMESTAMP

The date the primary insurance plan became/becomes inactive. NULL indicates an active plan without a known termination date.

isactive BOOLEAN

True of the person is currently active.

primarylanguage VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. The primary langauge of the person.

caremanagementstatus VARCHAR

If the person is enrolled in a care management program, their current status. NULL if not available/applicable.

caremanagementprogram VARCHAR

If applicable, name of the care management program managing the person. NULL if not available/applicable.

caremanagementenrollmentdate TIMESTAMP

If applicable, the date care management was initiated. NULL if not available/applicable.

complexcarestatus VARCHAR

If the person is enrolled in a complex care program, their current status. NULL if not available/applicable.

complexcareprogram VARCHAR

If applicable, name of the complex care program managing the person. NULL if not available/applicable.

complexcareenrollmentdate TIMESTAMP

If applicable, the date complex care was initiated. NULL if not available/applicable.

lisvalue VARCHAR

The most recent LIS value for the person. NULL if not available/applicable.

isdualeligible BOOLEAN

True if the person is Medicare/Medicaid dual eligible. NULL if not available/applicable.

medicarestatuscode VARCHAR

The most recent Medicare status code for the person. NULL if not available/applicable.

eligibityreason VARCHAR

The most recent eligibility reason for the benefit or insurance plan for the person. NULL if not available/applicable.


The most recent RAF (Part A) risk score available for the person. NULL if not available/applicable.


The most recent RAF (Part D) risk score available for the person. NULL if not available/applicable.

riskscore DECIMAL

Risk score imported from the primary data source for the population.

primaryinstitution VARCHAR

A primary institution relationship computed for the person.

nextappointmentdate TIMESTAMP

The date of the next scheduled appointment detected for the person.

nextappointmentprovider VARCHAR

The provider of the next scheduled appointment detected for the person.

region VARCHAR

Assigned region.

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