
The measurereport table includes a row for each instance of a measure result; that is, one row for each unique combination of person, measure name, and measure period.

Columns in this table express the membership of the person in the following populations associated with the measure within a specified measure period: initial-population, denominator, denominator-exclusion, and numerator.

Additional information is included that may be helpful in measure remediation workflows such as a summary of the event related to the numerator status and an estimated due date.

See also:

Source Concepts

  • HIEBus

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.

measurereportid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier representing this instance of a measure report.

measureid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier representing the measure definition used to compute this measure report.

measurename VARCHAR

Human readable name to describe the measure definition used to compute this measure report.

measurecode VARCHAR

Coded value to describe the measure definition used to compute this measure report.


The date that this measure report was generated.

measurementperiodstartdate TIMESTAMP

The period start date for which this measure report is computed.

measurementperiodenddate TIMESTAMP

The period end date for which this measure report is computed.

initialpopulation BOOLEAN

True if the person meets all initial population criteria for this measure.

denominatorexclusion BOOLEAN

True if the person meets denominator exclusion criteria.

exclusion VARCHAR

Description of the exclusion, if applicable.

denominator BOOLEAN

True if the person meets all denominator criteria for this measure and does not have an applicable exclusion.

numerator BOOLEAN

True if the person meets numerator criteria for this measure.

eventresourceid VARCHAR(38) GUID

The id of the most recent data resource (i.e. Condition, Observation, etc.) that can be used to meet the numerator criteria of this measure.

eventresource VARCHAR

Name of the resource referenced in eventresourceid (i.e. Condition, Observation, etc.)

eventcode VARCHAR

Denormalized code describing the numerator event.

eventdate TIMESTAMP

Denormalized date describing the numerator event.

eventvalue VARCHAR

If applicable (for example, if the eventresource is an Observation), the denormalized value of the numerator event.


The most recent date that the numerator would transition from False to True based on the numerator event.

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