
The medicationclass table represents a roll-up of all prescription data for a person from all data sources into RxNorm classes.

Each row in the table summarizes one RxNorm class for which a person has a filled prescription at any time in their health history. Each row is annotated to describe higher order categories that describe the medication using concepts such as VA Drug Class and Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification.

The rows in the medicationclass table are computed using coded medications from all sources consolidated in the medicationdispense table.

See also:

Source Concepts

  • medicationdispense

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.


Mapped by Rosetta. The primary mapped terminology code determined to represent the prescription. This is the preferred mapped concept determined by the Rosetta Terminology Service.

display VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. The primary mapped terminology description determined to represent the prescription. This is the preferred mapped concept determined by the Rosetta Terminology Service.

codesystem VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. The terminology namespace of the code field. This is the preferred mapped concept determined by the Rosetta Terminology Service.

firstfilldate TIMESTAMP

The first date the person filled a prescription for a medication related to this medication class.

mostrecentfilldate TIMESTAMP

The most recent date the person filled a prescription for a medication related to this medication class.

mostrecentstopdate TIMESTAMP

Determined via days supplied or quantity and mostrecentfilldate. The estimated date at which the most recently supplied prescription related to this medication class would be exhausted.

dayssuppliedlast12months DECIMAL

Determined via days supplied or quantity. The estimated number of medication supply for all prescriptions for the medication over the previous 365 days.

prescriberslast12months DECIMAL

The number of unique prescribers of this medication over the last 12 months.

rxnormcode VARCHAR

Coded value. The RxNorm CUI determined to represent the prescription.

vadrugclasscode VARCHAR

Coded value. An RxNorm VA Drug class that is related to the term associated with the prescription. For example: CV800.

vadrugclass VARCHAR

Display name. An RxNorm VA Drug class that is related to the term associated with the prescription. For example: ACE Inhibitors.

atclevel3classcode VARCHAR

Coded value. An RxNorm ATC Level 3 class that is related to the term associated with the prescription.

atclevel3class VARCHAR

Display name. An RxNorm ATC Level 3 class that is related to the term associated with the prescription.

atclevel4classcode VARCHAR

Coded value. An RxNorm ATC Level 4 class that is related to the term associated with the prescription.

atclevel4class VARCHAR

Display name. An RxNorm ATC Level 4 class that is related to the term associated with the prescription.

atclevel5classcode VARCHAR

Coded value. An RxNorm ATC Level 5 class that is related to the term associated with the prescription.

atclevel5class VARCHAR

Display name. An RxNorm ATC Level 5 class that is related to the term associated with the prescription.

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