
The personattribution table summarizes key relationships between a person and attributed or assigned providers at several levels in the provider hierarchy.

CareEvolution computes a single relationship between a person and an attributed primary care provider, Accountable Care Organization, TIN-level provider, physician office, and geographic region.

The CareEvolution attribution algorithm is configurable by data mart and can prioritize the following concepts when considering the available data for each person and computing the primary relationships that are expressed in this table.

  • Historical claims data (selecting providers based on the frequency of historical visits with that provider)
  • Historical EMR data
  • Explicit assignment via an EHR
  • Explicit assignment via a payer assignment file

Source Concepts

  • HIEBus

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.

attributedpcpidentifier VARCHAR

The identifier (commonly NPI) of the currently attributed primary care provider for this person, per assignment by the CareEvolution assignment algorithm.

attributedpcpfirstname VARCHAR

The first name of the currently attributed primary care provider for this person.

attributedpcplastname VARCHAR

The last name of the currently attributed primary care provider for this person.

attributedpcpbegindate TIMESTAMP

The date on which this person was attributed to the currently attributed primary care provider by the CareEvolution assignment algorithm.

attributedpcpenddate TIMESTAMP

If this person is currently attributed to a primary care provider, this column will be NULL or a future date. If this person is no longer attributed to the attributed primary care provider specified by the columns above, and a new primary care provider has not been identified, this column represents the date on which the attribution relationship was terminated.

attributedpcplastvisit TIMESTAMP

The last office visit that was detected for this person with the currently attributed primary care provider.

assignedpcpidentifier VARCHAR

The identifier (commonly NPI) of the assigned primary care provider for this person that was recorded in an EHR or via a payer assignment file.

assignedpcpfirstname VARCHAR

The first name of the assigned primary care provider for this person.

assignedpcplastname VARCHAR

The last name of the assigned primary care provider for this person.

attributionstatus VARCHAR

Indicates the current attribution status for this person for the attributed ACO and attrbuted provider concepts described below. Active indicates the current attribution is applicable at this time. Inactive indicates that the attribution values for this person are the most recently available, but are not currently applicable.

attributioncohort VARCHAR

If the person was attributed to the attributed ACO or attributed provider in batches, a designation that specifes the batch process used for attribution.

attributedaco VARCHAR

If this person is assigned to an Accountable Care Organization (ACO), the name of the primary ACO.

attributedacobegindate TIMESTAMP

The date on which the relationship between this person and currently attributed ACO began.

attributedacoenddate TIMESTAMP

The date on which the relationship between this person and attributed ACO was terminated. If this person is currently attributed to the attributed ACO, this column will be NULL or a future date.

attributedprovideridentifier VARCHAR

The identifier (commonly a business-level Taxpayer Identification Number or TIN) of the currently attributed provider organization for this person. Commonly the attributed provider concept is driven by a payer-designated assignment between this person and a business organization with a TIN or other business-level identifier. In most cases, an attributed provider, as specified by a TIN, will represent a roll-up of several primary care providers.

attributedprovider VARCHAR

The name of the attributed provider for this person.

attributedproviderbegindate TIMESTAMP

The date on which the relationship between this person and the currently attributed provider began.

attributedproviderenddate TIMESTAMP

The date on which the relationship between this person and the attributed provider was terminated. If this person is currently attributed to the attributed provider, this column will be NULL or a future date.

attributedoffice VARCHAR

The physician office to which this person is attributed. Commonly this relationship is based on the attributed primary care provider for the person; and a subsequent hierachy of primary care providers that roll up to the office concept.

attributedofficeidentifier VARCHAR

An identifier that describes the office to which this person is attributed.

attributedofficebegindate TIMESTAMP

The date on which the relationship between this person and the currently attributed office began.

attributedofficeenddate TIMESTAMP

The date on which the relationship between this person and the attributed office was terminated. If this person is currently attributed to the attributed office, this column will be NULL or a future date.

attributedregion VARCHAR

The geographic region to which this person is attributed. Commonly this relationship is based on the attributed provider (TIN) for the person; and a subsequent hierachy of attributed providers that roll up to the region concept.

attributedregionbegindate TIMESTAMP

The date on which the relationship between this person and the currently attributed region began.

attributedregionenddate TIMESTAMP

The date on which the relationship between this person and the attributed region was terminated. If this person is currently attributed to the attributed region, this column will be NULL or a future date.

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