
The risklevel table represent the currently assigned risk level as computed by the Galileo Risk Stratification Framework.

See also: Galileo Risk Stratification Framework (GRSF)

Source Concepts

  • riskfactor

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.

risklevel VARCHAR

The currently computed risk level for the person. For example, Level 1, Level 2, etc.

risklevelchangedate TIMESTAMP

The date the currently computed risk level was first computed.

riskprofilesummary VARCHAR

A comma delimited string that includes all risk factors that contribute to the currently computed risk level.

assignedrisklevel VARCHAR

If the risk level has been manually assigned via provider override, the risk level that was assigned.

assignedriskleveldate VARCHAR

If the risk level has been manually assigned via provider override, the date the risk level was assigned.

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