
The valuesetaudit table describes the current state of value sets used in HIEBus along with audit data to track historical changes to these value sets.

Source Concepts

  • HIEBus termsubsets
  • HIEBus termsubsetmembers
  • HIEBus termsubsets_archive
  • HIEBus termsubsetmembers_archive

Table Schema

Name Type Description
termid INTEGER

The termid of a term that belongs to the value set. If a termid belongs to multiple value sets, it will have multiple rows in this table.

deployment VARCHAR

The name of the originating HIEBus deployment. In some data marts, terms may be consolidated across deployments for analysis. Termids are unique within a deployment. In multi-deployment data marts, deployment+termid uniquely identifies a term.

tenant VARCHAR

The name of the originating HIEBus tenant. NULL for terms in reference code systems indicated by domain = Reference.


Name of the value set.

usecontext VARCHAR

HIEBus scope, used to manage categories of value sets.

termorder INTEGER

For ordered value sets, the sequence specified for the terms in the value set. Not all value sets are ordered.


Code of the term (e.g. Female or Y93.D).

display VARCHAR

Human-readable label of the term.

domain VARCHAR

Corresponds to “family” in HIEBus. This column will be populated with “Reference” for terms in reference code systems that are created and managed by Rosetta.

codesystem VARCHAR

The name of the code system (corresponds to HIEBus for the term. For example: ICD10, HCPCS, LOINC, etc. for terms in a reference system. If the term originated from a data source, this commonly describes the data source.

valuesetstatus VARCHAR

Denotes status of valueset. Current - valueset is active and record was last pulled from the termsubsets table. Archived - valueset is not active and record was last pulled from the termsubsets table.

valuesetinserteddate TIMESTAMP

Date the value set was inserted into HIEBus.

valuesetdeleteddate TIMESTAMP

Date the value set was deleted from HIEBus.

membershipstatus VARCHAR

Denotes origin of membership. Current - membership is active and record was last pulled from the termsubsetmembers table. Archived - membership is not active and record was last pulled from the termsubsetmembers_archive table.

inserteddate TIMESTAMP

Date the term was inserted into the value set in HIEBus.

deleteddate TIMESTAMP

Date the term was delete from the value set in HIEBus.

instances INTEGER

If domain = Reference, the number of data rows in HIEBus that include a reference to a termid THAT IS MAPPED to this termid. Otherwise, the number of data rows in HIEBus that include a reference to the termid.

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