
The medicationrequest table is related to the MedicationRequest resource that is available via the FHIR API.

The medicationrequest table represents medication orders for a person.

See also:

Source Concepts

  • HIEBus orders

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.

medicationrequestid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Internal identifier of the HIEBus source row.


Mapped by Rosetta. The primary mapped terminology code determined to represent the prescription. This is the preferred mapped concept determined by the Rosetta Terminology Service.

display VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. The primary mapped terminology description determined to represent the prescription. This is the preferred mapped concept determined by the Rosetta Terminology Service.

codesystem VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. The terminology namespace of the code field. This is the preferred mapped concept determined by the Rosetta Terminology Service.

termid INTEGER

A reference to the original primary term that can be used to show the original code or relate to alternative mappings.

alternatetermids VARCHAR

A comma delimited list of termids that provide supplemental terms (usually in alternate coding systems) to represent the prescription.

authoredon TIMESTAMP

The date the prescription is created and given to the person.

stopdate TIMESTAMP

The estimated date at which the supplied medication would be exhausted.

datasource VARCHAR

The name of the external data source. Commonly determined from the namespace of the source terminology namespace.

requesteridentifier VARCHAR

The identifier assigned to the primary provider associated with the prescription.

requestername VARCHAR

The name of the primary provider associated with the prescription.

lastupdated TIMESTAMP

System generated timestamp indicating the most recent change to this data row. Used for differential operations. Managed in UTC.

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