
The coverage table is related to the Coverage resource that is available via the FHIR API.

The coverage table describes relationships between a person and a payer. A person may have zero to many rows in this table.

See also:

Source Concepts

  • HIEBus insurances

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR(38) GUID

Unique identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.

coverageid VARCHAR(38) GUID

An internal HIEBus identier,

identifier VARCHAR

An external identifier associated with the person and their insurance plan.

planname VARCHAR

The plan name of the insurance record, as provided by the source system.

groupname VARCHAR

The group plan name of the insurance record, as provided by the source system.

insurancecompanyname VARCHAR

The insurance company name of the insurance record, as provided by the source system. If this field is null, consider the organization column which describes the HIEBus recordauthority associated with the insurance record.

startdate TIMESTAMP

The beginning of the period for which the insurance record is active.


The end of the period for which the insurance record is active.

plantype VARCHAR

HIEBus insurance plan type.

plantypecode VARCHAR

Coded value. HIEBus insurance plan type.

plantypetermid VARCHAR

HIEBus term. HIEBus insurance plan type.

segmentype VARCHAR

HIEBus insurance segment.

segmenttypecode VARCHAR

Coded value. HIEBus insurance segment.

segmenttypetermid VARCHAR

HIEBus term. HIEBus insurance segment.

status VARCHAR

A status received from the source system to describe current state of the insurance plan.

statuscode VARCHAR

Coded value. A status received from the source system to describe current state of the insurance plan.

statuscodetermid VARCHAR

HIEBus term. A status received from the source system to describe current state of the insurance plan.

organization VARCHAR

HIEBus recordauthority name.

organizationcode VARCHAR

HIEBus recordauthority code.

lastupdated TIMESTAMP

System generated timestamp indicating the most recent change to this data row. Used for differential operations. Managed in UTC.

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