
The observation table is related to the Observation resource that is available via the FHIR API.
The observation table represents lab results and other clinical findings for a person.

Additional References:

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR

GUID. An internal identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.

observationid VARCHAR

GUID. An internal identifier representing a unique observation. This identifier is the id of the row in the HIEBus source tables.


Mapped by Rosetta. The prioritized mapped terminology code determined to represent the diagnosis. The default prioritization is by code system: HCPCS, ICD-10-CM, ICD-9-CM. The code sent by data source will be used if no mappings are available.

display VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. The description associated with the code column.

codesystem VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. The terminology namespace of the code column.

termid INTEGER

A HIEBus terminology id. Reference to the original primary term (usually from a data source namespace) received by HIEBus that can be used to show the original code or relate to alternative mappings.

alternatetermids VARCHAR

A comma delimited list of termids (usually from a data source namespace) that provides supplemental terms received from the data source to represent the diagnosis.

origintable VARCHAR

A reference to the source HIEBus table. Useful for joins back to HIEBus using observationid to indicate which table to join. Values: observations, labobservations

loinccode VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. If available, the LOINC code mapped from the original primary term or alternate terms.

loincdisplay VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. If available, the LOINC description associated with the loinccode column.

snomedcode VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. If available, the SNOMED code mapped from the original primary term or alternate terms.

snomeddisplay VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. If available, the SNOMED description associated with the snomedcode column.

effective TIMESTAMP

Clinically relevant time for the observation.

encounterid VARCHAR

GUID. Source encounter, if determined from an encounter-based data source.

datasource VARCHAR

The name of the data source. Commonly determined from the HIEBus record authority name of the source patient record.

sourcecodesystem VARCHAR

The terminology namespace of the original primary term that was sent by the data source.


The finding or lab result.


The unit of measure used to express the finding or lab result.

isnumeric BOOLEAN

True if the value column is numeric and can be used in computations such as AVG, MIN, GREATER THAN, LESS THAN, etc.

category VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. Category or type. This is the preferred mapped concept determined by the Rosetta Terminology Service.

categorycode VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. Coded Value. Category or type. This is the preferred mapped concept determined by the Rosetta Terminology Service.

categorytermid INTEGER

Reference to the HIEBus terminology id.

interpretation VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. High, low, normal, etc. This is the preferred mapped concept determined by the Rosetta Terminology Service..

interpretationcode VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. Coded value. Description of the interpretation associated with the observation. This is the preferred mapped concept determined by the Rosetta Terminology Service.

interpretationtermid INTEGER

Reference to the HIEBus terminology id.

referencerange VARCHAR

Guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range.

observationcontextid VARCHAR

GUID. Reference to the HIEBus observation context.

parentobservationid VARCHAR

GUID. Reference to the HIEBus parent observation.

documenttypetermid INTEGER

Reference to the documenttype term on the HIEBus observation context.

annotations VARCHAR

Computed. A comma delimited set of strings that represent computed features of the observation.

lastupdated TIMESTAMP

System generated timestamp indicating the most recent change to this data row. Used for differential operations. Managed in UTC.

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