
The person table is related to the Patient resource that is available via the FHIR API. While FHIR employs the provider-centric “Patient” concept, the Bulk Data API uses the more generalized nomenclature “Person” in order to refer to the same entity.
The person table has one row for each HIEBus recordgroup. A HIEBus recordgroup represents a unified identity across all data sources.
The person table represents several concepts such as name, identifier, address, etc. that are available from multiple data sources. A prioritization algorithm determines a reconciled value for each of these concepts to describe the person.

Additional References:

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR

GUID. An internal identifier representing a unique person that may include data from several sources that have been linked. This identifier is the person_id of a HIEBus recordgroup.

gender VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. Gender of the person.

gendercode VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. Coded value. Gender of the person.

gendertermid INTEGER

Reference to the HIEBus terminology id.

birthdate TIMESTAMP

The person”s date of birth.

identifier VARCHAR

A primary external identifier used to reference to the person. Obtained from a source system. Commonly a MRN, MemberId, etc.

givenname VARCHAR

First name.

familyname VARCHAR

Last name.

middlename VARCHAR

Middle name or initial.

deceased BOOLEAN

True if person is deceased.

deceaseddate TIMESTAMP

Date of death. NULL if person is living.

addressline1 VARCHAR

Address, first line, of the reconciled primary home address determined for the person.

addressline2 VARCHAR

Address, second line, of the reconciled primary home address determined for the person.

addressline3 VARCHAR

Address, third line, of the reconciled primary home address determined for the person.


City of the reconciled primary home address determined for the person.

postalcode VARCHAR

Zip code of the reconciled primary home address determined for the person.

district VARCHAR

County of the reconciled primary home address determined for the person. NULL if unavailable.


State of the reconciled primary home address determined for the person.


Mapped by Rosetta.

racecode VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta.

racetermid INTEGER

Reference to the HIEBus terminology id.

ethnicity VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta.

ethnicitycode VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta.

ethnicitytermid INTEGER

Reference to the HIEBus terminology id.

telecom VARCHAR

A comma delimited list of telephone numbers or email addresses associated with the person.

demographicdatasource VARCHAR

The data source that was used as the primary data source for the demographic concepts in this table.

annotations VARCHAR

Computed. A comma delimited set of strings that represent computed features of the person.

lastupdated TIMESTAMP

System generated timestamp indicating the most recent change to this data row. Used for differential operations. Managed in UTC.

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