
The sourceterm table provides a catalog of all terms referenced in *termid columns throughout the model and associated mappings to reference terms. Source terms represent a terminology concept that has been received from a data source.
If a source term is mapped to one or more reference terms (terms in a canonical code system such as ICD-10 or LOINC), a row will exist in the sourceterm table for each mapping. If a source term is unmapped, one row will be present in the sourceterm table with NULL values for columns associated with mappings.

Additional References:

Table Schema

Name Type Description
termid INTEGER

Internal HIEBus identifier for a unique term sent by a source system. A termid will appear multiple times in this table if it has multiple mappings to reference code systems.

referencetermid INTEGER

Internal HIEBus identifier for a unique term managed in HIEBus within a reference code system.

domain VARCHAR

The type of data that the term represents in HIEBus (e.g. DiagnosisCode or LabObservationType). Corresponds to family in HIEBus.


Code of the term (e.g. Female or Y93.D) as sent by the source system.

display VARCHAR

Human-readable description of the term as sent by the source system

codesystem VARCHAR

The terminology namespace of the source system as it is named in HIEBus.

mappedcode VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. The mapped terminology code determined to represent the diagnosis. NULL for unmapped terms.

mappeddisplay VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. The description associated with the mappedcode column.

mappedcodesystem VARCHAR

Mapped by Rosetta. The terminology namespace of the mappedcode column.

mappingdate TIMESTAMP

The date the mapping was assigned in HIEBus. NULL for unmapped terms.

overallpriority INTEGER

The priority assigned to this mapping; the mapping with the lowest value in this priority column is selected in cases that require a single mapping to be selected to represent the source term. Computed by combining the priority specified by the codesystempriority and mappingpriority columns.

mappingpriority INTEGER

The priority assigned to this mapping within the specified mappedcodesystem; the mapping with the lowest value in this priority column is selected in cases that require a single mapping to be selected to represent the source term within the specified mappedcodesystem.

codesystempriority INTEGER

The priority assigned to the mappedcodesystem for source terms with the specified domain.

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