
The datasummary table describes an overall inventory of the clinical data that is available for a participant.

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR

Internal identifier to specify a unique instance of a person. This column is used to partition data tables in the Bulk Data API and should be included on all table joins. Use personid to join to tables in other models within the Bulk Data API.

datasummarykey VARCHAR

Primary key.

category VARCHAR

A category that describes the data source. Commonly: Device, FHIR, Self-Entered, or Apple Health.


The unique internal code used to identify a data source.


The name of a data source.

allergies INTEGER

The number of allergy data rows available for the participant from the specified data source.

devicedatapoints INTEGER

The number of device data points available for the participant from the specified data source.

encounters INTEGER

The number of encounters available for the participant from the specified data source.

labobservations INTEGER

The number of unique lab observations available for the participant from the specified data source.

medications INTEGER

The number of unique filled prescriptions available for the participant from the specified data source.

observations INTEGER

The number of clinical observation data rows available for the participant from the specified data source.

problems INTEGER

The number of diagnosis data rows available for the participant from the specified data source.

procedures INTEGER

The number of procedure data rows available for the participant from the specified data source.

reports INTEGER

The number of unique reports available for the participant from the specified data source.

connectiondate TIMESTAMP

Date the connection was first established.

lastpolldate TIMESTAMP

The last date this connection was refreshed.

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