RKStudio Model

The tables in the RKStudio Model describe how participants interact with surveys, participant demographics, survey result data and personal device data that is captured via mobile devices using CareEvolution’s MyDataHelps™ application and the RKStudio™ platform.

These tables can be used to report on activity that begins with participant recruitment, records how participants interact with surveys and related workflows, and concludes with the results of completed surveys.

The following common reporting use cases can be used to organize the data model:

  • Survey Results: Survey answers and consent captured from completed surveys.
  • Survey Tasks and Historical Survey Task Status: How participants respond to survey tasks over time.
  • Survey Interactions: Survey and survey step completion time; step dropoff and partially completed surveys; step path through the survey.
  • Survey Communications: Message to participants and how participants respond.
  • Participant Recruitment: Campaigns to recruit new participants.
  • Biosample Workflow: Current status and time analysis of specimens collected from participants.

Survey Results

Use the following tables related to a participant and surveyresult to explore question and consent data collected from completed surveys.

When a survey is completed by a participant, a survey result is generated and described in the following tables:

This simplified diagram demonstrates the relationships between these tables and the key columns that should be used in join operations. In order to simplify this diagram and emphasize table relationships, all data columns are not shown.

The sample ParticipantSurveyResult Tableau data source below demonstrates the appropriate structure and joins to build reports that describe survey result data.

The sample SurveyResultDevice Tableau data source below demonstrates the appropriate structure and joins to build reports that describe the devices used by participants to complete surveys.

Survey Tasks

Use the surveytask table to track which participants have been responding to surveys and which may have incomplete surveys. Survey tasks correspond to the tasks the participant sees when they open the Surveys tab in MyDataHelps.

The sample ParticipantSurveyTask Tableau data source below demonstrates the appropriate structure and joins to build reports using survey tasks.

Historical Survey Task Status

Use the activity table to simulate the overall status of survey task completion historically and to report on how participants have responded to survey tasks over time.

The sample ParticipantActivity Tableau data source below demonstrates the appropriate structure and joins to build reports using historical summaries of task status.

Survey Interactions

Use the following tables to track participants as they login and interact with the MyDataHelps™ app to answer questions on a survey. As a participant fills out a survey, audit information is captured at each step. This audit information is useful to report on survey interaction metrics such as: partially completed surveys, step dropoff, time spent on each step, and the path that the participant followed through the survey.

The sample ParticipantSurveyAudit Tableau data source below demonstrates the appropriate structure and joins to build reports using historical summaries of task status.

Survey Communications

Use the following table to track messages that are sent to participants to drive survey completion and click activity related to these messages.

Participant Recruitment

Use the following tables to track campaigns that recruit participants in order to observe the timing and effectiveness of recruitment initiatives.

Biosample Workflow

Use the following tables to track the current and historical status of laboratory evaluated specimens that have been collected from eligible participants.