
The participant table describes all participants who have joined an RKStudio project.

Consult the RKStudio User Guide for more information about the related Participant Data Export Format.

Refer to the Overview of the RKStudio Model for relationships with other tables in the RKStudio data model.

Blinded Data

In some data marts, columns in the participant table that include personally identifiable information (e.g. names, date of birth, address) will be empty or blinded. When blinded, columns related to concepts such as date of birth or address will contain limited information (e.g. the decade of the birthdate or the first three digits of the zip code) that can be useful for aggregate reporting but cannot be used to identify an individual participant.

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR

Internal identifier to specify a unique instance of a person. This column is used to partition data tables in the Bulk Data API and should be included on all table joins. Use personid to join to tables in other models within the Bulk Data API.

participantkey VARCHAR

Primary key. A unique, auto-generated internal identifier to specify a unique instance of a participant in an RKStudio project.

participantidentifier VARCHAR

A unique identifier for the participant in this project. This can be set up via the invitation sent to the user, or will be auto-generated if the identifier was not specified in the invitation. Only unique with respect to the RKStudio project associated with this participant.

projectname VARCHAR

The name of the project to which this participant is associated. The project name is displayed in RKStudio to project coordinators.

projectdisplayname VARCHAR

The display name of the project to which this participant is associated. The project display name is displayed to participants in the MyDataHelps app.

organizationname VARCHAR

The name of the related organization in RKStudio.


The email address the participant used to create their account.

hasemail BOOLEAN

True if the participant has listed an email address, False otherwise.

hasverifiedemail BOOLEAN

True if the participant has verified their email, False otherwise.

firstname VARCHAR

The given name of this participant.

middlename VARCHAR

The middle name of this participant.

lastname VARCHAR

The surname of this participant.

gender VARCHAR

The current gender of this participant.

dateofbirth TIMESTAMP

Birthdate of the participant. In some data marts, this will be represented as January 1 of the decade of the birthdate.


The default date for the participant that represents the last time the participant changed their relationship with this project. This should be used when reporting on a general date for associating the participant with the project.

enrollmentdate TIMESTAMP

The date the participant was enrolled in the RKStudio project.

lastactivitydate TIMESTAMP

The start time of the participant’s last completed response. This should be used when determining completed result engagement.

registrationdate TIMESTAMP

The date the participant’s user registered with MyDataHelps.

registrationcontent VARCHAR

The content identifier of the UTM campaign that resulted in this participant’s registration as a MyFHR user.

registrationmedium VARCHAR

The medium of the UTM campaign that resulted in this participant’s registration as a MyFHR user. For example: organic, email, referral, social, newsfeed.

registrationname VARCHAR

The name of the UTM campaign that resulted in this particpant’s registration as a MyFHR user.

registrationsource VARCHAR

The source of the UTM campaign that resulted in this particpant’s registration as a MyFHR user.

registrationterm VARCHAR

The term of the UTM campaign that resulted in this particpant’s registration as a MyFHR user.


Current participant age, in years.

agecohort VARCHAR

Current participant age, expressed in the following cohorts: 0-17, 18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56-65, 66-75, 76-85, 86 and over.

agecohortubr VARCHAR

Current participant age, expressed in the following cohorts: 0-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85 and over.

preferredlanguage VARCHAR

The preferred language of the participant.


The city from the home address of the participant.

postalcode VARCHAR

The zip code from the home address of the participant.


The state from the home address of the participant.

completetasks INTEGER

The number of tasks that are complete.

incompletetasks INTEGER

The number of tasks that are not complete.

overduetasks INTEGER

The number of tasks with a due date prior to today.

useroffset VARCHAR

The participant’s most recently listed UTC offset from their home address.

userid VARCHAR

The application user ID associated with the participant. This is null if the participant does not have a user.

dayssinceenrollment INTEGER

The number of days that have passed since this participant was enrolled in the project.

sensordatacollectionenddate TIMESTAMP

The date that the participant’s sensor data collection ended. If null, the field may not be set for the project or the participant has not yet ended collection.

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