
Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR

Internal identifier to specify a unique instance of a person. This column is used to partition data tables in the Bulk Data API and should be included on all table joins. Use personid to join to tables in other models within the Bulk Data API.

surveyadjunctauditkey VARCHAR

Primary key. A unique, auto-generated internal identifier to specify a unique instance of a survey audit (survey activity).

adjunctkey VARCHAR

Internal identifier to specify a unique instance of an adjunct in an RKStudio project.

projectname VARCHAR

The name of the project to which this adjunct is associated. The project name is displayed in RKStudio to project coordinators.

projectdisplayname VARCHAR

The display name of the project to which this adjunct is associated. The project display name is displayed to participants in the MyDataHelps app.

application VARCHAR

The application that recorded the survey activity.


A description of the survey activity.


The time the survey activity was recorded.

nextsteptime TIMESTAMP

Date and time associated with the next survey activity. Used to compute the duration of the current activity.

stepchainid VARCHAR

Internal identifier.

previousstepchainid VARCHAR

Reference to the previous survey step.

recordedsurveyversion INTEGER

The version of this survey as recorded at the time of audit.

surveyresultkey VARCHAR

Reference to the response associated with this survey activity.

stepcompleted BOOLEAN

True if this survey activity is associated with a completed survey step.

stepduration INTEGER

The total time in seconds this step took the participant to complete. -1 if the step was not completed.

organizationcode VARCHAR

Code of the organization that owns the survey of this audit.

organizationname VARCHAR

Name of the organization that owns the survey of this audit.

surveyname VARCHAR

The name of the survey this result was for. Used to manage surveys in RKStudio.

surveydisplayname VARCHAR

The name of the survey this result was for. Displayed to participants in MyDataHelps.

surveyversion INTEGER

Identifies which version of the survey was active at the time the data was collected. This allows you to adapt data processing if your survey changes.

surveystepidentifier VARCHAR

A unique identifier associated with the survey step.

surveysteporder INTEGER

The order in which the steps are completed within a survey.

surveystepcriticalpath BOOLEAN

True if the survey step is part of the critical path for the survey.

taskuuid VARCHAR

Internal reference.

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