
The reftermsnapshot table provides a series of time-based “snapshots” that summarize the state of all reference terms, their term mappings, and the number of related data instances at monthly intervals in the past.

The reftermsnapshot table will contain exactly one row for each term in a reference terminology that was present in HIEBus at the enddate for the specified snapshot.


See also:

Source Concepts

Table Schema

Name Type Description
termid INTEGER

A termid in the terms table. Indicates the termid from a reference terminology system.

deployment VARCHAR

The name of the originating HIEBus deployment. In some data marts, terms may be consolidated across deployments for analysis. Termids are unique within a deployment. In multi-deployment data marts, deployment+termid uniquely identifies a term.

startdate TIMESTAMP

The start date of the snapshot period. Typically the first day of a month.


The end date of the snapshot period. Typically the last day of a month.

cumulativeinstances INTEGER

The number of data rows in HIEBus that include a reference to a termid THAT IS MAPPED to this termid, as of the enddate. To be included in the cumulativeinstances count, the data row must be inserted into HIEBus prior to the enddate AND the term mapping must be present in HIEBus on the enddate.

mappings INTEGER

The total number of “current” (non-deleted) term mappings using this termid as the targettermid that were present on the enddate.

mappingsadded INTEGER

The number of term mappings using this termid as the targettermid and inserted between the startdate and enddate.

mappingsdeleted INTEGER

The number of term mappings using this termid as the targettermid and deleted between the startdate and enddate.

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