
The valuesetsnapshot table provides a series of time-based “snapshots” that summarize the state of value sets at monthly intervals in the past. Each snapshot captures changes to the value set, the term mappings related to the value set, and the number of data instances in HIEBus that are related to the value set.

The valuesetsnapshot table will contain exactly one row for each value set that was present in HIEBus at the enddate for the specified snapshot.


Use valuesetsnapshot to detect high level trends that reflect changes to value sets caused by changes to terms in the value set, their mappings, and their usage in data. This table does not include rows for constituent terms. Use the valuesetaudit table to inspect detailed changes to value sets at a particular point in time.

See also:

Source Concepts

Table Schema

Name Type Description

The name of the value set.

deployment VARCHAR

The name of the originating HIEBus deployment. In some data marts, terms may be consolidated across deployments for analysis. Termids are unique within a deployment. In multi-deployment data marts, deployment+termid uniquely identifies a term.

tenant VARCHAR

The name of the originating HIEBus tenant. In multi-tenant deployments, value sets for reference terms are shared across tenants and will be designated using the pattern {deployment}-shared.

usecontext VARCHAR

HIEBus scope, used to manage categories of value sets.

startdate TIMESTAMP

The start date of the snapshot period. Typically the first day of a month.


The end date of the snapshot period. Typically the last day of a month.

termcount INTEGER

The number of terms in the value set on the enddate.

cumulativeinstances INTEGER

The number of data rows in HIEBus that use the terms in the value set on the enddate. To be included in this count, the termid must be included in the value set definition on the enddate AND the data row must be inserted into HIEBus prior to the enddate. Commonly, this count will be 0 as most value sets contain reference terms that are not directly referenced by data rows in HIEBus.

mappedtermcount INTEGER

The number of terms that are mapped to terms in the value set on the enddate. To be included in this count, the termid must be included in the value set definition on the enddate AND the term mapping must be inserted into HIEBus prior to the enddate AND the term mapping must not be deleted prior to the enddate.

cumulativemappedinstances INTEGER

The number of data rows in HIEBus that include a reference to a termid THAT IS MAPPED to the terms in the value set, as of the enddate. To be included in this count, the termid must be included in the value set definition on the enddate AND the term mapping must be inserted into HIEBus prior to the enddate AND the term mapping must not be deleted prior to the enddate AND the data row must be inserted into HIEBus prior to the enddate.

mappedtermsadded INTEGER

The number of new termmappings added during the snapshot period. This will include new term mappings for existing terms in the value set AND all term mappings for terms added to the value set within the snapshot period.

mappedinstancesadded INTEGER

The number of data rows in HIEBus that include a reference to termids included in the mappedtermsadded count, as of the enddate, including data rows inserted prior to the snapshot period. This number is intended to reflect all new data instances that will be available to processes that use this valueset due to term mappings that occur during the snapshot period. This number counts ALL data instances up to the snapshot enddate for mappings added during the snapshot period. Please note: this will be a different number than the month-over-month change in the cumulativemappedinstances. The month-over-month change will include new data instances for the snapshot period for existing mappings in addition to data instances for new mappings captured in the concept.

mappedtermsdeleted INTEGER
mappedinstancesdeleted INTEGER

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