
The surveystepresult table contains information about each step the participant completed in a particular survey, including introduction steps and other step types that might not have any actual answers.

Consult the RKStudio User Guide for more information about the related Survey Step Results Export Format.

Related tables in the RKStudio Model:

Table Schema

Name Type Description
personid VARCHAR

Internal identifier to specify a unique instance of a person. This column is used to partition data tables in the Bulk Data API and should be included on all table joins. Use personid to join to tables in other models within the Bulk Data API.

surveystepresultkey VARCHAR

Primary key. A unique, auto-generated internal identifier to specify this instance of a survey step result.

surveyresultkey VARCHAR

The key for the survey result in which this survey step result is contained in. Key relationship with the surveyresult table.

identifier VARCHAR

The identifier of this step, determined when the survey was created.

surveystepcriticalpath BOOLEAN

True if the survey step is part of the critical path for the survey.

surveysteporder INTEGER

The order in which the steps are completed within a survey.

startdate TIMESTAMP

The date and time the participant arrived at this step.


The date and time the participant finished at this step.

duration INTEGER

Duration (in seconds) of this survey step.

inserteddate INTEGER

Date and time that this survey step was recorded.

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