RKStudio Examples

CareEvolution provides a standardized set of management reports that describe the participant population and survey activity associated with research projects that have been implemented using RKStudio™. These reports are created using Tableau and are made available to users via a private CE-managed instance of Tableau Server.

These reports visualize concepts such as: the number of participants enrolled in a research project; participant demographics; enrollment trends; interaction metrics that measure participant engagement with surveys, tasks, and messages; and participant recruitment.

Reporting Examples and Common Use Cases:

Example Description
RKStudio Survey Metrics Analyze survey participants by demographics, geography, and enrollment timeline. Analyze participant engagement by recent completion of survey tasks and survey completion over time.
RKStudio Survey Workflow Analyze survey completion rates, survey and survey step duration, survey step path, and survey step drop off in order to understand how participants interact with surveys.
Participant Recruitment and Engagement Analyze and compare marketing campaigns and messaging activity to recruit participants and incentivize survey completion.
Biosample Collection and Workflow Analyze the biosample collection process and time durations for each step in shipping and processing biosample specimens.